Endodontist Near Me, Clinton

Endodontist Near Me

Do you need help finding an endodontist near you? Do you know what
endodontists do? We’ll tell you all about that and more here.

What is an endodontist?

You may have heard the term endodontist from your dentist. An
endodontist is a dental professional who specializes in the treatment of
the pulp and root of your tooth. The area that you see when you look at
your teeth is the enamel and any regular dentist can do the enamel work
such as crowns, veneers, cleanings, etc. The inner part of your tooth
contains vessels, tissue, and nerves. An endodontist receives extra
training to treat problems relating to the tooth root. We will look at
examples of such procedures below.

What does an endodontist do?

An endodontist diagnoses and treats dental problems that affect the
pulp and root. Examples of the procedures done by an endodontist

Root canal treatment – A root canal is a
procedure that removes infected pulp tissue.

Endodontic retreatment – Endodontic
retreatment is a procedure done after the failure of a root canal

Apicoectomy – Apicoectomy is a dental
surgery undergone to remove inflamed gum tissue from the apex of your

Tooth Extraction – Tooth extraction that
involves your molars is best peformed by an endodontist because molars
have multiple roots.

Dental implant surgery – The endodontist
places the implant support.

When to see an endodontist near you?

The most obvious sign that you need to see an endodontist near you is
unexplained pain in your tooth or gums. Others include:

Tooth Sensitivity – Extreme tooth sensitivity to
hot/cold drinks.

Tooth Decay – Tooth decay that is suspected to have
damaged your pulp.

Tooth Injuries – Dental injuries that fractured your

Tooth Abscess – Formation of pus around your tooth
or gum.

Best endodontist near you

The best endodontist for you should be:

  • Near your location.

  • Qualified

  • Experienced

  • Able to use current technologies

If you are ready for your first appointment, look no further. Call
our endodontists to learn more.