Root Canal Retreatment in Clinton

Root Canal Retreatment

Root canal retreatment is usually done after the failure of an
initial root canal procedure or when a new infection has developed on a
previously treated tooth.

Root canal treatments usually have a high success rate but for
different reasons, a few of them fail.

A root canal treatment may fail because of one of these factors:

  • Complicated canal anatomy that was undetected in the first

  • Delays in crown placement expose the root to infection.

  • Saliva contamination.

  • Curved or narrow canals that were not properly treated during the
    first procedure.

Who requires root canal retreatment?

You may require a root canal retreatment:

  • If you are experiencing pain in a previously treated

  • If you have an abscess on a previously treated tooth

Your endodontist examines possible causes of the pain or abscess even
before starting the procedure.

A root canal retreatment is similar to the root canal procedure
initially done except that during retreatment your endodontist takes
more time to find out the cause of the failure.

Is root canal retreatment the best choice?

Retreatment is the best choice if you would like to preserve your
natural teeth after a failed root canal procedure.

If your pain is caused by a new problem, retreatment is still your
best choice to save the tooth.

Sometimes an endodontic surgery is required either together with
retreatment or as an independent treatment option depending on your

What to expect with root canal retreatment

Your endodontist will discuss the treatment options with you. Once
you agree on a root canal retreatment:

  • The first step is the removal of all root canal filling material
    to access the inside of your tooth.

  • Your endodontist uses magnification and illumination to examine
    the inside of your tooth.

  • Your endodontist then cleans the inside of your tooth and places
    a temporary filling which will be removed once restoration has

  • You will then need to visit your dentist for crown

Call us to speak to our endodontists.